March 2021 Monthly Meeting


2020 TMBC Monthly Meeting

Date: 18/03/21 7:00PM

Location: East Toowoomba Bowls club

Attendees: Tom Glover (TG), Cam Carlile (CC), Dave Warner (DW), Waide Brennan (WB) Gillian Chesterfield (GC), Sonya Clarke (SC)


Apologies: Mat McColley, (MM), Brendan Perks (BP)




Declared open by TG at 7:16pm


Previous minutes declared true and correct by DW.


1. Presidents report: (TG)

Social night ride was a success with good attendance across skill and age levels. Grant submitted to TRC for Turkey/ Dirty Granny project. Plenty of rain (again) in park will no doubt impact grass and weed growth. Acquittal for timing gear due end of month. 


2. Treasures report: (TG)
Currently $29.5K in bank with $9K to be acquitted. Membership numbers are a little skewed due to ongoing AusCycling issues. MTBA: 143 full members with 53 supporters – hoping that this can be amended before next meeting.


3. Go Fund Me update (TG/CC)
Currently just over $3K raised - thanks to all who have donated so far. GC – use more social rides to promote this. CC - Potential to approach bike shops to add on extra to sale price. Socials to be used, but not over saturated as this will potentially drop hype.

4. DH Race (TG)
met with Jacob Simpson to confirm what is happening. SEQ DH likely not running but Jake confirmed a lot of the ground work is done, with clubs looking to take ownership. TG will speak to Mark White about assistance in running this as a club event with the club hiring more chips. This should also result in a higher profit for the club. Track will likely be full Frenzy as fire road changes have resulted in the Hot Rod into Frenzy link being unrideable. Club will speak to Matt from Frenzy MTB to come on as a title sponsor for the event. Medics will also need to be sourced.


5. Petition Launch (TG/CC)
On the back of last meeting, the club has decided to raise a petition around: Maintenance, more trail funding and agreeance to the proposed MOU. Club will plan to launch this in the coming month.


6. AGM (TG)
AGM due to occur in May. Club will have details at April meeting and upcoming Newsletter.

7. General Business

Riders have raised concerns around exposed part of Danomite with both land slip and trees down. 
GC & TG – 
At the moment it seems rather difficult to progress the trail development and master plan and is taxing on all involved. Club should look to shift focus to social aspect and more existing trail development over the current weed management. All agree to discuss at further meetings, particularly with AGM approaching and potential for new exec. 
Next club Funduro to focus on lower part of Jubilee with a current working date of May 9th. CC will run exec through event timing operations. 
TRC due to commence toilet block works next to power pole at Bridge St trail head with plans to be completed by EOFY. 


Meeting declared closed at 8:40pm






1. TG to draft letter to club for potential shift in club focus


2. CC to revise petition and send to nominated club members


3. Club to commence planning on next Funduro
