Anonymous is a 2km green circle beginner two way trail. Although primarily a traverse, or climb trail, it also serves as a fantastic descent for beginners, families, children, or those just wanting a more relaxed ride. The original part of Defibrillator seamlessly joins Anonymous, and the trail terminates at the Grassy Knoll, which is at the very middle of the park. Anonymous also forms part of the primary arterial climb back to Bridge Street – Centrelink, Dirty Granny, Anonymous, and Defibrillator.
Anonymous was primarily driven by the TMBC via a Go Fund Me campaign in 2016. Many local riders, supporters and businesses kindly donated their time and money towards the completion of the trail, arguably one of the most important trails in the park, with the most generous donor being “Anonymous”. Every local rider seems to reckon that they know who the Anonymous donor is, although the truth is that no one really knows. All of the donors can be seen on the Anonymous Honour Roll along the trail.
Former TMBC President Ryan Myler at the Honour Roll
Construction began in 2016