Where to start. It is quite possible that Cheeseburger was the first trail in Jubilee Park. “Cheesey” started its life as a “Pirate Trail”, pre 2004, and took many years to become assimilated into the park as an official line. It was named due to the young local trail builders loving Maccas at the time of building. Legend has it that the TRC, in an attempt to stop the youngsters riding this illegal line, placed a large fallen tree across the trail just below the root garden. Not ones to give up easily, the lads then placed a large timber door over the tree, and so to is the birth of the famous, or perhaps infamous, barn door drop.
Cheeseburger is a legit Black Diamond Run, and can be accessed from the Woodridge Street trailhead, or by starting at Bridge Street and coming across Topshelf, or the top section of Defibrillator. Riders can expect 57m of elevation loss over the 513m trail. The trail features gap jumps (with B lines), small and large drops, a couple of very steep chutes, and a root garden. Once complete, choices are abound. Continue onto Hyperlink, or return back to the top via Heart Attack Hill, or Defibrillator.
The Root Garden
The Barn Door Drop with the Root Garden in the background - 2020 TMBC Summer Slam
The cheesy Rock Chute - It has mellowed over time, but can still catch you out.