2021 June Monthly Meeting
Date: 22/06/21 7:00PM
Location: Mouse Proof Brewery
Attendees: David Warner (DW), Cameron Carlile (CC), Nial Ryan (NR), Mani Agrotis (MA), Waide Brennan (WB), Gillian Chesterfield (GC), Tony White (TW), Scott Mason, John McBennett, Matt Aorron, Chris Mann, Philip Craft , Leanne Colthrup, Peter Colthrup
Apologies: Matt McColley, Damien Cann
Declared open by DW at 7:13pm
No conflicts of interest noted. Previous minutes declared true and correct by CC and GC.
Presidents report: (DW)
Dear TMBC members, it is my great privilege to be writing to you today as your new TMBC president.
After a fantastic year in presidency, and many before in various positions in the committee, Tom Glover has decided to pass the reigns on. We wish Tom all the best, and look forward to seeing him out on the trails. As your new president I hope to keep Tom’s momentum going and continue to build the TMBC in the direction the community deserves.
After last month’s AGM we have seen some movement within the committee. You have a very strong group of dedicated people to help run the club. Your new committee appointees are Cameron Carlile (Vice President), Damien Cann (Secretary), Mat McColley (Treasurer), Gillian Chesterfield (Women’s Coordinator), Waide Brennan (media), Niall Ryan (Maintenance Coordinator), Tony White (Grants), and Mani Agrotis (Events/ Race Coordinator).
So far this month we have hit the ground running. Niall has taken to the park at full steam with a crew of volunteers armed with snippers, attacking the lower trails, and getting them open after the insane growth we have had to date. As winter is now firmly upon us we are expecting weed growth to stay down for at least a few months.
Jacob Simpson (TMBC sponsored rider) has been busy organising the SEQDH race on Frenzy. Jacob and a committed crew of volunteers put in a huge effort to get the trail race ready.
Behind the scenes we have had Cameron, Gillian and Damien putting together a petition for the club. Building more awareness of the support the club has from yourselves and other park users. The more support we have the stronger we are when liaising with council.
In other news around the park, the Quarry Gardens committee have been busy doing a rehabilitation study of the old quarry. In the next few weeks there will be drilling around the rock face along Prince Henry to asses areas of concern. Once they have enough information about the structural integrity the committee will be able to do a more accurate proposal of what can become of the old quarry. TRC have acquired most of the land In front of Prince Henry Heights, and are looking to eventually merge jubilee and Redwood Park. They have one more property left to acquire. The future potential of our MTB park could be huge… fingers crossed.
What a weekend we just had, SEQDH went off. I firstly would like to say a huge thanks to all the volunteers that came on the day to marshal and lend a hand. It would not have been possible without you. We are very lucky to have such a strong community. Jacob did such a good job with all the preplanning and keeping everyone at ease with all his knowledge of how it should run. There wasn’t anyone involved that didn’t go above and beyond to bring it all together. Sponsors were amazing everyone pooled together to make a great day.
Kind Regards David Warner
AGM/May Action Items
Targeted Facebook advertising
Not required as Social currently generating heaps of interest. Possibly look into it further in the future.
Frenzy trail of the week feature.
Damien to liaise with Matt from Frenzy shuttles to ascertain if this is something that they are looking into continuing in the future.
Spreading out containers across the Park
Moving a containing up to the grassy knoll
Approved by TRC
Must be painted in ‘bush colours’
No advertising may be present on the container
Purchase of additional container for the top section
Skills park location declined by TRC
Investigate new location
Small containers impractical and hard to find, recommend large container
Petition Status
Lots of interest at the SEQ DH
Online petition is live, however only the exec has the link
Exec decision to not to go live on the online component at the SEQ DH
Didn’t want it to detract from the event
Investigate a QR Code link to the online petition
Ramp up the petition, including launching the online component in July.
Social Rides
None in June due to SEQ DH
Schedule for July
Blue Sky Trail Maintenance Training
Email form Craig now in Gmail inbox
DW to liaise with Craig for scheduling
New Business
SEQ DH Wrap Up
TMBC ran in house timing gear, supplemented with some additional hired timing gear. We should see some revenue received from this.
The event was a complete success, and the overall vibe of the day was awesome.
There were some minor issues, such as a shuttle provider pulling out, however any minor ‘hiccups
should be considered learning opportunities for future large scale event planning.
Overall the riders were very happy.
Revenue from the day will be finalised over the next few days/weeks, and a full financial report from the event will be available for the July meeting.
Food truck sold out
Point raised by GC that we must ensure that volunteers are very well looked after, access to food/refreshments especially important.
TMBC wishes to thank all for their hard work in pulling off such a successful event, especially to Mal and Burkey for the Polaris, and to Jake Simpson for all of his tireless work in putting it together.
Trail Maintenance
Revival of Trail Stewardship Program ‘Trail Heroes’ (Working name)
Develop and implement a program whereby a rider, or group of riders take ownership over a trail, and or, a group of trails, effectively becoming Stewards over their assigned responsibility.
The stewards would be responsible for all basic maintenance of their trail/trails, providing a periodic reports on the status of their trail/trails.
NR has sent a draft document to the exec chat for workshop and execution.
NR will set up a maintenance email address.
Suggestion that members provide feedback on the status of trails to the maintenance co-ord email, or through the club socials.
GC commented that the term ‘Stewardship’ is a softer term than maintenance, which many people associate purely with weed management. Stewardship encompasses so much more.
NR advised of TRC having a small engine workshop, and the possibility of TMBC using the workshop to service our weed management equipment.
As we are spreading the containers out over three sites we need more equipment.
WB advised that one of the goals of the petition is to get TRC to engage in Jubilee Park weed management, TMBC volunteers and approaching burnout r.e weed management duties.
CC advised that after the meeting with TRC last week that;
TRC want MTB to move forward in Jubilee
TRC are currently focusing on cultural/environment studies across the entire park
TRC have funds for the studies
CC acknowledged that although the timeframes are frustrating, we are moving forward
DW hopeful that moving forward TRC will focus on weed management, freeing TMBC to focus on feature building and actual trail maintenance.
TRC are very aware the TMBC are the SME on Jubilee Park, however we need to be cognisant of working with TRC rather than against them in order to achieve the best outcome for our members.
DW raised a motion to implement “Trail Heroes” – CC seconded the motion
NR advised that the trails that are in urgent need of attention are;
Calibre down – unrideable
Turkey is almost done
Top shelf, fires, and Danomite
Suggestion to update the trail head notice boards, and email members regarding upcoming trail maintenance days as the current messages may be getting buried in the social media feeds due to heavy traffic, and advertising.
The North Face (NF)
TRC cultural/environment study currently on hold.
Timeframes are unknown for North Face, possibly January 2022 at earliest.
Return of donations to members and supporters.
TMBC President to draft an NF update Email to members who made a donation.
DW passed motion to refund. Seconded by all
Social rides
MTBA Membership required for insurance purposes;
Organising a regular ride for new members will be difficult die to insurance requirements.
Further investigation needed to work the problem.
MA spoke to Local Bike Shops (LBS) about sponsoring events;
Idea is for a themed event (i.e. Funduro) with 1 x LBS sponsoring that particular event.
All LBS seemed very supportive of the concept.
Events could be expanded to cover many disciplines (i.e. four cross, dirt jumping, dual slalom)
MA also asked LBS’s for feedback on SEQ DH event.
LBS’s advised that although they were happy to help, more advance notice was needed to secure donations, prizes etc.
TRC Update - CC
TRC to begin Highlife rebuild in July.
Centrelink / Turkey alignment to commence in July;
Turkey to be a designated Blue two way trail.
Centrelink to link all the way to the gazebo.
Unjumbling of Turkey/Centrelink to enhance safety.
Fox on the Rocks
GC advised that the date for Fox is set for 18 Sep 21.
GC requests social media posts.
Sponsorship for the event is also required.
Meeting declared closed at 8:10pm