May 2021 TMBC AGM & Monthly Meeting

2020 TMBC AGM and May Monthly Meeting

Date: 20/05/21 7:00PM

Location: East Toowoomba Bowls club

Attendees: Tom Glover (TG), Cam Carlile (CC), Dave Warner (DW), Waide Brennan (WB) Gillian Chesterfield (GC), Tony White (TW), Chris Mann (CM), Geoff Wieden (GW), Matt Adkins (MA), Bruce Quinn (BQ), Damien Cann (DC), Niall Ryan (NR)


Apologies: Nil



Declared open by TG at 7:19pm

No conflicts of interest noted. Previous minutes declared true and correct by CC. 

  1. Presidents report/AGM: (TG)

Financial Audit not required as we are under the 250K threshold, however the accountant will still verify our accounts. President moves to open the Annual General Meeting (AGM), declaring all committee positions now vacant. TG made a note that as only single nominations were received, there is no requirement for a vote. TG thanked all nominees, those returning, and new. New committee positions are therefore as follows;

President – David Warner

Vice President – Cam Carlile

Secretary – Damien Cann

Treasurer -  Mat McColley

Grants and Sponsorship- Vacant

Social Media Presence and Membership – Waide Brennan

Women’s Co-ordinator – Gillian Chesterfield

Event Co-ordinator – Vacant

Maintenance Co-ordinator – Vacant

TG called for anyone present to feel free to nominate for any of the vacant positions. NR then nominated for Maintenance Co-ordinator. All present seconded the nomination, confirming NR as the new Maintenance Co-ordinator. TG then noted that there is an active trail maintenance  group on FB messenger, which is great, however it requires oversight from the maintenance co-ordinator as an Admin to function well. GC then suggested targeting the Toowoomba Public FB group to motivate more train users to assist. TG then advised that it is wise for TMBC to remain separate from the public group, and that reposting from the club FB group into the public group is a way to reach park users without TMBC posting directly to the public group. 

NR then suggested looking into targeted advertising on TMBC FB page, and pinning trail maintenance to the top of the TMBC FB feed.

GC suggested scheduling 3 days per week around maintenance. 

MA commented that Frenzy used to run a trail of the week feature on their FB, which received positive feedback from passengers, and generating interest in the trail system.

Moving on, TG thanked all for their hard work over the previous 12 months, citing a difficult year due to COVID, bushfires, and recent heavy rainfall. NR and MA thanked the exec for their hard work. TG then bought up some big wins for the year, noting the new skills park, the completion of Danomite and a refresh of some much loved older trails. The committee then thanked TG for his tireless work as President. TG then called the AGM closed and passed the agenda to the new President, David Warner.

  1. SEQ Downhill Series Race 4 – Mackenzie Frenzy DH: TG, CC, WB, DW

Race now 4 weeks away. Jake Simpson (JS) is organising and preparations are now 90% complete.  Mark White (MW) , from White Lightening will commissarrie. TMBC will run it as a club. A huge maintenance session was done  3 weeks ago, with a new line built around the road gap, as we are waiting on TRC to complete a landing. JS is organising a final maintenance session of the bottom section of Frenzy. CC noted that Frenzy is running great.

Regarding DH rego, TG stated that AusCycle and MTB Aus are not working for registrations, and that  TMBC have reached out to Entry Boss, and spoke to their facilitator about setting up regos. Entry Boss connects to Aus Cycle to check for valid race licences, however physical check will still need to be conducted on race day. TMBC will incur a cost of  $99 for Entry Boss use. MM to follow up.

MW intending to supplement TMBC timing gear. Club will rent 150 units, should have about 200 units available on the day.

Require 2 x toilets from  Master Hire for the top of Frenzy. WB to follow up.

Parking will be available in Shultz paddock – Will require weed management. NR to follow up.

Shuttles on race day. Looking to use a combination of Frenzy Shuttles + possibly hiring another bus, the club trailer, and JS looking into an additional bus/trailer. Rego price will include 2 x shuttles only. A seeding run and race run shuttle. MA researching commercial licensing Requirements.

Medic organised

Will need to do a volunteer/Marshall call out. Food not yet actioned, a food truck proposal was raised.WB to action.

  1. Update – Highlife, Dirty Granny, Centrelink: (DW)
    Trailworx has been awarded the contract for the works. Works are due to commence after 30 June 21. TRC have requested another onsite meeting with TMBC and the Contractor. TRC are seeking further clarification on trail alignment.

  2. TMBC Focus for the next 12 Months (DW)
    Due to the difficulty in securing intermediate future trail development , DW proposes that TMBC shift focus to maintaining the current system to a high standard, with emphasis on adding features to the existing trails. DW also suggests that TMBC focus on fostering our strong social network, though funduros, social events and rides etc. All agreed that due to events such as  the current difficulty in securing the North Face expansion, that a more nurturing approach to the current network was a good idea.

  3. Trail Maintenance
    NR suggested that for ease of access that we split the equipment into three sections. TMBC purchase a half container for the top section, move one of the containers to the grassy knoll, and leave one at the bottom. All in agreement. DW to action.

  1. Petition Update (DW)

Launch the petition at the SEQ DH in 4 weeks.

CC to post the petition draft in the exec chat.

  1. General Business

Start thinking about the next social event – Stanthorpe Funduro, Kooralbyn club invitational ride in Jubes, Strava sends, social ride.

CC suggested a Strava Sends weekend with an emphasis on a challenging option and a fun option, to take place 2 weeks after SEQ DH.

TG advised that Craig from Blue Sky Trails has advised that some grant funded trail maintenance training may be available, and has asked if TMBC is interested. TG to forward Email to TMBC Gmail account.


Meeting declared closed at 8:50pm





  1. Investigate targeted advertising on FB


  1. Consult with Frenzy Shuttles on the trail of the week feature


  1. SEQ DH Maintenance session

JS and WB

  1. SEQ DH Master Hire Toilets


  1. Shultz paddock snipping


  1. SEQ DH Shuttles

JS and MA

  1. SEQ DH Food Truck


  1. SEQ DH Volunteer call out


  1. Maintenance container movements


  1. Ongoing trail Maintenance 


  1. Petition draft to exec chat


  1. Social event – discus on exec chat
